
Friday, 29 May 2020

Is Fear Good or Bad

I hear some people say alot, "Fear is bad, Fear is not good". But the truth is that like money, it is how we use it (apply it in our daily life) that can be good or bad.

 Image from newharbinger

 Fear is...
- a natural neurological response,
 - a necessary and powerful survival instinct,
- our mind's natural way of keeping us safe from real or imagined pain, danger or harm.

It triggers our fight or flight responses, heightens our senses and awareness, keeps us alert to danger and better prepared to deal with it.
 "I'm scared so I won't do it"
"I'm worried so I've got to be careful"
"I'm fearful so I'll run to safety"

Image from technologynetworks

 Our mind is hard-wired to protect us and it uses fear to do this. But in every situation that we sense fear and are about to react to it, we must ask ourselves this:

 "Am I letting this fear serve me or am I letting this fear rule (cripple, paralyzes, imprison, dominate, hold back, boxed-in) me?"

"Is this threat rational or real?"

By ObyGraceNneka
Follow me on Facebook at Lipstickmouth💋 for more posts like this and to interact with me🙋🏽‍♀️

Sunday, 17 May 2020

The Winning Mindset

In life, we sometimes become "victims" of a bizzare or unfortunate situation and deeply believe that "the universe is picking on us"....or encounter events so horrendous, we wonder "Where is God?" or question if there's a God and why HE is letting such things happen to us or a loved one.

We see ourselves as victims because...
- we do not understand nor see the full picture (which - is - okay)
- of our perspective, our point of view, the angle from which we're looking at the issue.

From Pinterest 

Have we ever thought/ considered that
this inconvenient "thing", this "terrible thing", this "unfortunate event" is happening for a reason. For instance, it is happening to...
- protect us from or prepare us for something atrocious that will happen in the future or
- propel us into something magnificent that otherwise wouldn't have happened had we remained in our current situation.

Sometimes, we are so afraid or so reluctant to move forward (into our purpose, our hopes and dreams) that it literally has to take something huge ... something spectacular to force us forward. 

From Pinterest 

Story A: a very young pregnant girl abandoned by everyone (boy friend and her family) struggles to raise her child alone against all odds. 5 Years later, she meets her soul mate - a man made impotent by a baseball injury when he was a teenager. Also, she has cancer which left her barren.
Perspective: life cushioned her pain of not having a child with her soul mate by giving her a child when she was younger, and life reduced the blow of being barren in the future by giving her a child when her body could carry it.

Story B: a man is disowned by his family because he takes on a struggling widow from another ethnicity and her children against friends and family's advice. They marry and raise her twins as his own. Months later, he has a sports injury golfing which left him impotent.
Perspective: He would have ended up childless had he listened to these people and waited to marry someone from his ethnicity with no children.

From Pinterest 

Story C: an overworked and underpaid woman made homeless because she couldn't keep up her rent. Boss fires her because she was living in her car. As she's homeless, she couldn't get a new job so is forced to use her severance package to start a parcel delivery business. 1 Years later, her business is successful, her former home catches fire in the night and her former job folds.
Perspective: She could have died in the building had she not been made homeless. She wouldn't have got a severance package had she continued to work for the company

Story D: In the movie "You Got Mail". A young woman is forced to close her business - a little quaint bookshop she took over after her mother died - because a big bookshop opened across her. This sets a chain of event in motion in her life. For the first time she is forced to evaluate her life which up until then, she hadn't realised was just unfulfilled. She realises she loves writing and not keeping up her mother's shop has freed her up to new and exciting opportunities. Her relationship with a long time boy friend ends. They were not in love with each other...just going through the motion...which leaves her open to meet her one true love.
Perspective: had she continued to fight for her shop and successed in keeping it open....she would have continued in an unfulfilling job, a loveless relationship and not discovered this new world that opened up to her.
From Pinterest 

One thing we've got to remember, life is not perfect. In life there's always yin and yang, push and pull, good times and bad times. Life is full of good and bad, even a beautiful garden grows weeds.Even a broken clock tells the right time twice a day.

Never wallow in sorrow thinking you are the only one bad things happen to all or most times. Nobody...not one person has it easy all the time, not even the wealthy.
Life will take you up sometimes and it will bring you down, like the tide - it will ebb and then it will flow, like the hand on the clock - it will go up and then it will go down...that's the circle of life.

But guess what? It will change again. Hold on to that, keep your chin up because there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. You just have to keep trucking on.....believing in yourself... believing everything has a season and a reason....believing in your power to overcome. 

From Pinterest 

Written by OGN
Love always, Lipstickmouth 💋