
Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Are You Adding Value To Your Life


Image may contain: 2 people, beard

What am I doing DAILY...WEEKLY that TRULY matters? What positive impact has it on mine and other's lives? Is my daily action ADDING joy and value, revolutionizing lives?

Let's face it, WE are all about "value-added-life-living"!

So, how much of my time am I DEDICATING to doing these things that matter...that bring joy, harmony, add value, enrich...mine and other's lives?
(80% or 20%)?

CLOSE your eyes: imagine your alter-self, probably in an alternate universe (humour me). This "self" has become aaall that you could be....has achieved aall your living your dream life!
How are you measuring up....and what can you start doing now, what changes can you start implementing now to be THAT YOU?

STOP reading....go do it now!😀👍💯

Follow me on Facebook @Lipstickmouth

Thursday, 26 December 2019

How To Achieve Personal Growth

Hello everyone, happy Sunday.

At the core of life change, personal growth, self love and development is your.......MIND....your MINDSET.

Image from

I'm going to share 2 difficult rules you must follow to start achieving personal growth.
1: Aim for 100% Discipline and Determination
2: 80-20, minimum 80% of day should be Value-Adding

Discipline, determination, daily value-adding are at the core of every personal growth.

Without discipline,
- you will be all over the place, your hands possibly in many pots - hence completing and achieving nothing.
- you will be easily distracted, could end up focusing mostly on things that don't add value to you.
- you'll run out of time each day to do the important things
- you'll leave your time open to others to use and your life dream (purpose) left on the back burner constantly.

Without determination,
- you'll give up easily, thereby achieving nothing

Value-Adding :
You must break away from activities, things and people that detract value from your life. Now that is the hardest to kick off and maintain as it tugs at the core of you emotions, sentiments, attachment, self-imposed sense of responsibility.

I'm telling you for FREE, it is going to be one of the hardest things you will EVER do....but one of the MOST rewarding too.
It does gets easier down the lane if you practice these daily. This is because you are replacing old habits....ways of thinking with new ones.

Image from (Today I Am Blessed)

Ask yourself these questions...
1: every morning:
What are the 3 main things I must achieve today?

2: constantly:
Is this thing, this activity I'm about to participate in, this action I'm about to take, this person I'm hanging out with - taking advice from - listening to.... ADDING VALUE to my life, to what I'm committed to achieve today?

3: at night:
Did I complete the 3 main things I set out to achieve today? Evaluate your day using these WWW (what went well) and EBI (even better if)

I wish you all the best as you commence or continue your personal growth journey with. ..ME.

SHARE your thoughts, journey or progress here with me.

And if you this post, then please...
- Like and Follow this page "Lipstickmouth"
- TAG friends, SHARE on yours or friend's page

Thank you 💯🙋💕

Monday, 23 December 2019

How to avoid Failure in our lives

This is going to be a long post but WORTH it 100%. It's very early in the morning's  actually 4.45am. Hello to all the early risers🙋‍♀️  It's so close to the end of this year and before we jump into the new year, I want to touch again on the word: "Failure" 🤦‍♀️.
The 3 major things that cause us to fail are: excuses, fear and our belief system.

Three Questions
1: EXCUSES: Did you know that a large amount of the reason we fail are the "excuses" we call "valid reasons" for not doing something...not taking the lead or initiative...not implementing an action that has the potential of creating a massive impact...that will make a positive change in our life??? 
Are you going to let excuses and fear keep you from becoming the best you that you can be...from living the best life meant for you....from living your purpose and leaving a legacy that change lives positively???

2: FEAR: Did you also know that fear has crippled a vast majority of people, chained them to their current circumstance....and robbed alot of people of their hopes and dreams???

3: BELIEF: Finally, did you know that YOU are the key to your SUCCESS or failure....that YOU have the potential to MAKE or break you....that What you BELIEVE is what your life becomes. Mind over Matter: you believe you're successful - you'll do things to draw success to you, you believe you are a failure or will fail - you will on a deeper level subconsciously keep sabotaging yourself so you can tell yourself "I said it" and then quit.

1: Challenge your belief system. Quiting is very easy...try something new: bet positively on yourself, then do everything to win that bet.
Remember,  the definition of insanity is to continue doing the same thing...believing the same thing and expecting a DIFFERENT result. What you believe-in now - about yourself, about your circumstances, about life...obviously isn't serving you well. So flip the script...change your story....invest and act on a new belief and see if that serves you better.

2: Challenge....and/or silence that loud noise constantly telling you, "you're no good" "you're not good enough" "you don't know anything or enough" "you could never make it" "look what happened to you the last time" "people'll see through you" "you're an imposter" "nobody'll listen to you or believe you or trust you" "people 'll look at you a different way" "you didn't go to school or finish school" "XYZ tried it and failed" "your case is different-you're not like everyone".
Tell yourself: these are NONSENSE and then go reach for the star. Living your purpose makes you a STAR and, your excuses...fears...negative beliefs are keeping you from shining as BRIGHT as you were meant!!!

3: Listen to the quiet voice WITHIN, take a chance on YOURSELF, invest in you, believe in you, trust your guts. If you fail...that's part of life, get up and try - try again until success is IN YOUR HANDS!

4: Be brutally honest with yourself through out this exercise.  Get a piece of paper right now and write...:
a- What lessons have you learnt in life from your experiences or someone else's...both good and bad? Tick off the ones you can use to create a better life for your self.
b- Create 3 columns and write under each...
- What are you afraid of...(list the Fears that have kept you stuck so far)?
- Put aaall the reasons (excuses) including the ones you believe are valid in this column too
- What beliefs do you have that negatively impact your life...stop you from going for yor dream...stop you from elevating yourself from your current circumstances e.g. "doing XYZ  will make people think IJK because society or religion or culture or family or guardian etc says that a man is not supposed to or a woman is not meant to ABC".  Search deep within, bare your soul. This list is for you alone to see so be very honest or you cheat yourself.

5: Now start crossing out what is not now and has never served you from the 3 columns. If you're brutally honest, every thing on your list should be crossed out.
But if you have more on your list, you need more convincing. Google who have had those issues on your list but have become successful despite.
- Richard Branson was dyslexic.
- Albert Einstein did not speak until he was three, his poor facility for arithmetic and great difficulty with foreign language lead a teacher to predict that “nothing good” would come of him.
- Other kids wouldn't train with Bruce Lee because he wasn't 100% of chinese descent...but that didn't stop him from constantly training, reading, working out, sharpening his body and mind on everything and honing his craft.

Now you see, you can actually SUCCEED.  MAKE 2020 an even better year but start NOW.

Visit me on Facebook at Lipstickmouth for more posts like this. LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE this post. Most importantly, take action and make 2020 your best year yet!

With love,
Lipstickmouth 💋

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Dream Board vs Vision Board

#Today's post update. The video of the #visionboard posted earlier today is moving quite fast so I decided to post the images as seperate pictures.

I'm hoping this will enable you
- have a proper look at the different samples of a VISION BOARD and
- create yours starting TODAY.

***Scroll through LipstickMouth page on Facebook for today's post. Enjoy 💯

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